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Playing golf at an American University offers 4 years of intensive training with America’s top coaches. Each University is equipped with its own golf course and state of the art training facility. You will train for a minimum of 30 hours per week, including strength and conditioning training in the gym. Most importantly, in between training and competing against top athletes across the country, you will be earning a degree.  


Number of Universities offering Women’s Golf:

Division I:       252

Division II:      171

Division III:     177

NAIA:             150

NJCAA:            81

Total:              831


Coaches are looking for players who:

· Are between 13-19 years of age

· Tier 1: Handicap Equal to or < 5, 18 Hole Average 78 or under

· Tier 2: Handicap Equal to or < 8, 18 Hole Average 82 or under

· Tier 3: Handicap Equal to or < 10, 18 Hole Average 85 or under

· Tier 4: Handicap Equal to or < 15, 18 Hole Average 95 or under

· Meet relevant academic criteria


If you think you may qualify, submit your profile for one of our scouts to review. You will be contacted for further evaluation if we feel you have what it takes.

 Women's Golf

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